
Hotel and Spa Requirements

Temperament Consultation

A consultation to evaluate your pets temperament is required prior to every dog's enrollment in boarding or daycare. The consultation is by appointment and lasts 30 minutes to an hour. A staff leader will go over the pet profile form with you. Each dog's first day will be their evaluation day to see what group they will go in for play time and to make sure they are a good fit for their program. This is to ensure the safety of all pets and staff at our facility. Proof of all required updated vaccinations must be sent in prior to your consultation appointment. If you are a new customer, click here to start the enrollment process. 

Vaccination Requirements

Each guest must meet the vaccination requirements before admittance into the facility. Pets who require vaccination updates must have received the vaccinations prior to the date of service or check in. 

Yearly Dog Vaccine Requirements

Yearly Cat Vaccine Requirements 

**All Tests and Vaccinations Required Yearly**

Dogs and cats are required to be at least 3 months of age. If over 8 months of age they must be spayed or neutered. Unaltered females may not attend daycare if they are going through an active heat cycle. Pets must be flea and tick free and in good health. If pets have health conditions our staff needs to be aware and the condition added to your pets file so we can provide the best quality of care. Dogs and cats will be checked over at the check in of each visit. Any unusual findings will be recorded. If any fleas or ticks are found the pet will not be able to stay for their reservation. If parasites are discovered during their stay, special care and treatment fees will apply at the owner's expense.

Your veterinarian can email your records to our office at